
Seeking import auto repairs requires more attentiveness than domestic models, especially when dealing with luxury vehicles, like a BMW® or an Audi®. Fortunately, effectively communicating with your technician can ensure that your repairs go smoothly. Before you take your high-end vehicle to the shop, learn more about the do's and don'ts of auto shop communication.


Explain yourself clearly.

Explain the issues your vehicle is experiencing in a very concise way. The best way to achieve this step is by learning some industry lingo. A simple search online will connect you with the phrases and adjectives that will clearly communicate the problems so that your import auto repair mechanic can get to the root of the issue.

Verify your contact information.

Many drivers drop off their vehicle while it undergoes repairs. While it may seem like common sense, leave your luxury auto repair mechanic your information before leaving the shop. This way, they can contact you when your car is ready for you to pick up.  


Sign off on auto repairs without an estimate.

import auto repairBe aware of what import auto repairs are needed and the full costs of labor and parts. Without this step, you risk costly repairs that you didn't expect. Skip the stress and frustrations of a surprise expense by verifying the potential costs with your mechanic ahead of time.

Forget to cover every symptom.

Your import auto repair mechanic needs the full picture of what's going on with your vehicle. To find the problem and accompanying repair, your mechanic will eliminate potential issues based on the things that you've noticed. If you forget a valuable symptom, it could lead to an incorrect diagnosis and end up costing you more money in the long run.

When mechanical issues arise, fix it quickly to avoid serious damage. If your luxury car is malfunctioning, turn to the team at Reid Vann Luxury Import Specialists in St. Louis, MO, for trusted import auto repairs. Specializing in top-of-the-line makes and models, the team of ASE®-certified technicians will handle your vehicle with the utmost care. Learn more about their luxury vehicle maintenance services online or by calling (314) 968-4100.
