Problems with your feet can affect your everyday life, and when an issue doesn't go away, it's recommended that you schedule a consultation with a podiatrist. Learn about these common foot and ankle issues that you should consider having evaluated by a professional doctor in the list below.
Symptoms That Require a Podiatrist's Diagnosis
1. Persisting Numbness
Decreased sensation in your foot may not feel like a big deal since there is little pain involved. However, persistent numbness can be a sign of a bigger issue. This means your nerves are not responding properly, which can indicate physical trauma from a fracture. It can also indicate you have another disease or condition, such as neuropathy or diabetes.
2. Chronic Heel Pain
One of the most common foot conditions is plantar fasciitis, which is often characterized by a consistent stabbing or throbbing pain in your heels when you walk or stand. This condition can only get worse or lead to other issues if not treated properly, making it imperative that you visit a podiatrist and have it diagnosed as soon as you are able. It is also possible that it is another more serious problem, such as a fracture.
3. Recurring Fungus
Fungal conditions can occasionally happen, often due to bacteria getting into your socks and shoes. If you regularly experience foot fungus or athlete's foot, you may want to consider special treatment to keep it from recurring as often. A podiatrist can prescribe you a topical cream or oral medication to help prevent this fungus from occurring regularly.
If you're having issues with your feet and ankles, whether it's pain or irregular growth, go to Dr. Eric D. Trattner in Fairview Park, OH. This podiatrist uses state-of-the-art technology to provide foot care for all foot and ankle conditions. He's been providing medical care for over 30 years and uses minimally invasive treatments. Call (440) 333-5350 to schedule an appointment, or visit his website to learn more about his services.
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