
AcuLaser treatment is an innovative approach to holistic healing that combines the traditional practices of acupuncture with the modern technological benefits of low-level lasers. In this state-of-the-art therapy, specialists activate acupressure points using gentle lasers to stimulate a variety of physical responses. If you’ve tried weight loss programs only to find that they didn’t work or are looking for a more reliable way to quit smoking, this versatile treatment may be right for you. To help you get more familiar with the process, here are a few important things to know about AcuLaser therapy.

How Does Treatment Work?

Before you receive AcuLaser treatment, you’ll meet with a specialist who will review the health issues or lifestyle changes you want to address. Based on this information, your provider will determine which acupressure points correspond to your specific needs. Next, they will use a small device to direct low-level lasers into a series of specific acupressure points.

This process—sometimes referred to as light needling—can prompt a variety of short- and long-term responses. Specifically, it uses photon energy to boost cellular health as a way to enhance circulation, repair damaged tissues, and stimulate areas of the neurological system.

While some effects of treatment may be felt immediately, those who are looking to make long-term adjustments—like to quit smoking or lose weight—may benefit from multiple sessions over the course of a few months.

What Can You Use AcuLaser Therapy For?

quit smokingSince AcuLaser therapy can be used to target any acupressure point, this treatment can address many of the same issues that traditional acupuncture may offer—such as pain relief. In some cases, people will combine laser therapy with acupuncture to enhance the effects of treatment. While new possibilities for this technology will continue to emerge in coming years, the therapy is commonly used to help individuals quit smoking, lose weight quickly, or reduce stress.

What Are the Benefits of AcuLaser Therapy?

If you’ve ever had acupuncture performed, you may find that this therapy delivers better results as lasers can target acupressure points with a higher degree of accuracy over traditional needles. Beyond enhancing care, many prefer this approach due to its natural and noninvasive characteristics. In particular, many find that it can treat conditions effectively without the need for potentially harmful drugs or surgical procedures. Compared to other therapeutic practices, AcuLaser treatment is also respected for providing a quick, comfortable, and affordable experience.


Whether you’re new to the therapy or have already benefited from its precision, you can turn to AcuLaser Treatment Center for the highest level of care. Located in Broadview Heights, OH, this clinic offers the latest AcuLaser therapy resources to help you achieve your health and wellness goals with confidence. Focused on client comfort, this team of trained specialists will customize care to address your specific concerns. To learn more about how this holistic technique can help you quit smoking, lose weight, or minimize stress, visit the center online. For appointments, call a friendly staff member at (440) 740-1020.
