
Staying safe on the road doesn’t simply mean remaining aware of your surroundings; it also includes learning to detect potential drunk drivers and giving them a wide berth. Otherwise, you could sustain injury and have to meet with a car accident attorney. Fortunately, several indicators of impaired driving are easy to identify, so take a closer look at the following to ensure you’re properly prepared. 

3 Signs of Drunk Driving

1. Constant Swerving

Excessive drinking can produce a state of fatigue and make it difficult for an impaired driver to stay alert. Closing their eyes for even a second can cause them to run into nearby vehicles. Therefore, if a car begins swerving and crossing the double yellow line, keeping your distance will help you stay safe. Slow down or pull over until they pass to lower your chances of getting hit.

2. Hugging Center Line

Car Accident Attorney

Whether driving on the highway or a quiet back road, a motorist must remain in the middle of their lane. Sticking close to the center line is common when avoiding a pothole, but continuing to do so for miles can indicate a level of intoxication.

This practice occurs because drunk drivers think moving along a straight line makes them look sober. If you spot a motorist continuously near the center line, maintain a distance of at least two car lengths to avoid needing a car accident attorney in the future. 

3. Changes in Speed

Vehicles going through a constant cycle of slowing down or speeding up should cause you to remain aware. Being under the influence makes monitoring the pressure applied to the accelerator difficult, resulting in a regular press and release pattern. An impaired driver could also be trying to focus on staying in their lane, which can cause them not to notice that they’re slowing down. 


If you or a loved one was hit by a drunk driver, turn to Ely, Bettini, Ulman, Rosenblatt, & Ozer, Attorneys at Law in Phoenix, AZ. They are one of the state’s oldest personal injury law firms and offer more than 200 years of combined experience. Their car accident attorneys are skilled at tracking down the facts and commit to quality customer service. Call (800) 303-2144 to schedule a free consultation, or visit their website for additional information on their team.
