
If your business relies on hydraulic equipment, maintaining it is a must. This includes ensuring the hydraulic rod cylinders are in perfect condition. These components are responsible for facilitating smooth piston movement and keeping your equipment operating at peak performance. These maintenance tips can help you stay one step ahead of potential issues and business delays. 

4 Care Tips for Hydraulic Rod Cylinders

1. Change Oil & Filters

Rod cylinders require clean hydraulic oil for lubrication. The components can easily get scratched and worn if the oil is contaminated with dirt and debris. When you first install them, be sure the oil is fully clean and a high-efficiency filter is installed. 

Check the filter regularly and change it whenever it’s clogged. A dirty filter also indicates the need for new oil. 

2. Keep Backups

hydraulic rod cylinders

Regular service and repairs are part of maintaining hydraulic equipment, but most businesses can’t afford for this machinery to cease operations for any length of time. Instead of working your cylinders until they wear down, keep a spare set on hand. Alternate them regularly so that you can have the used ones sent out for professional repairs if needed. 

3. Perform Regular Inspections

A simple visual inspection is often enough to diagnose common issues. Look for rust around the cylinders, uneven wear, and pitting. Corrosion is often a result of exposure to moisture, which can occur when water contaminates hydraulic fluid. Uneven wear and pitting can happen due to misalignment, which often requires reinstalling and polishing the cylinders. 

4. Maintain Accessories

Hydraulic rod cylinders are usually connected to other components, such as ball joints, brackets, and pivot pins. When you inspect the cylinders, look at these items as well. If they appear to be damaged or misaligned, schedule professional service, as this could cause your cylinders to wear down faster as well. 


If you’re looking for professional repairs or service for your hydraulic rod cylinders, contact LWG Finishing in Fairfield, OH. The chrome plating company has been providing custom work and personalized service to businesses throughout the Midwest since 1994. Whether you need cylinder repair or metal finishing, visit the website to see the full list of offerings. To request a quote, call (513) 860-1156. 
