
Taking language classes at school has a variety of benefits for children. If a child can become bilingual, it will benefit them in school and adulthood. They’ll be able to better understand a different culture and their communication abilities will improve on the whole. Here are a few more perks of speaking two languages fluently.

Why Speaking Two Languages Is Beneficial for Kids

1. Improved Learning Capabilities

schoolIndividuals who are bilingual will consistently use both languages. For example, a student in Spanish class may be speaking Spanish, but their brain is following along in English; this process is called co-activation. Being able to process two languages at once will improve your child’s ability to learn other subjects as well. Plus, along with co-activation, being bilingual improves inhibitory control, which is the ability to quickly decide what information is relevant and what can be forgotten or ignored. This can prove useful when reading, studying or recalling information, as well as in conversations with teachers and peers.

2. Better Problem Solving Abilities

When children are bilingual, their speech and thoughts constantly switch between the languages, and they have to quickly choose which language to use, which helps them to make quick decisions. Additionally, thanks to their extensive experience with executive control, they can more efficiently process a problem and solve it quickly

3. Improved Memory

Being bilingual improves your memory skills. Even intermediately bilingual students—those who are can converse, but not as well as native speakers—have better recall abilities and visual and auditory memory than other students, helping them in their schooling and work life. 


If you want your child to master a new language, apply to Wonderland School in Hays County, TX. This school offers kindergarten through sixth-grade classes, and their instructors have over 50 years of experience teaching students new languages. Their teachers are always warm and compassionate and look out for each student’s needs. Mention that you found them online to receive a free gift. Call (512) 392-9404 or visit their website for information on the school’s admissions process.
