
Pruritus, or itchy skin, is a common problem for many people that triggers intense scratching. However, scratching creates tiny tears in the skin’s barrier, increasing the risk of infection. To help you determine why your skin is itchy and whether you need professional treatment from a dermatologist, review the common causes below. 

4 Reasons for Itchy Skin

1. Skin Conditions

Several skin disorders cite itchiness as a symptom, including psoriasis. This is an autoimmune condition where the skin produces too many cells at once, causing discolored, scaly, itchy patches to appear. 

Other chronic disorders that trigger itchiness include eczema, which causes red, itchy rashes, and dermatographia, where mild scratches become allergic reactions causing redness, itchiness, and inflammation. Dermatographia can also create deep wounds on the skin. If you believe you have a skin condition but are not certain, get an official diagnosis from a dermatologist. 


2. Nerve Disorders

When skin nerves do not function properly because of a nerve-related disease or condition, such as shingles, strokes, brain tumors, or multiple sclerosis, itchiness results. The nervous system accidentally tells these nerves to itch, though visible symptoms like skin redness and inflammation might not appear. 

Shingles does cause skin changes, specifically blister-like sores. Professional treatment varies but may include antiviral medication. 

3. Certain Medications and Treatments

Some medications can cause skin itchiness as a side effect, including blood pressure drugs and opioid pain relievers. Itchiness can also result from various cancer treatments, including immunotherapy, radiation, and chemotherapy. Switching medications can be enough to relieve the itching, though it can help to apply aloe vera and other soothing topical agents. If the itchiness relates to cancer, home remedies such as colloidal oatmeal baths and using mild, unscented soap can provide relief. 

4. Allergic Reactions

Reactions to products such as certain fabrics, detergents, soaps, and lotions can cause skin itchiness. Wool, polyester, rayon, and spandex are among the fabrics that irritate skin, while many personal care products feature harsh chemical ingredients that cause adverse reactions. Sulfates, retinol, and fragrances are just some of the ingredients that people can be allergic to, as they can cause skin to become red, dry, and inflamed. Changing your skin care products and clothes usually relieves the itching in these cases. 


For treatment of psoriasis, dermatitis, and other itchy skin conditions, rely on Heibel Dermatology, LLC. Since 2001, this dermatologist has served the greater Lincoln and Columbus, NE, areas, and continues to provide a wide range of services that help people look and feel their best. Call (402) 488-6969 today to request an appointment or visit the dermatologist online for a complete skin service list. Get more skin care tips on Facebook
