A Guide to Blue Light Therapy for Actinic Keratosis
Treating a disease with beams of light probably seems like something out of the future, but there is at least one skin cancer treatment available today that does just that. Blu-U® Light Therapy is an innovative—and effective—way to treat actinic keratosis. Actinic keratosis is essentially sun damage that has developed into pre-cancerous lesions. If you’re concerned about your skin, here is what you should know about this method.
Before Treatment
Bring adequate sun protection to the appointment, like sunglasses and a wide hat, because you will need it upon leaving the office. Although reputable practices will not perform this skin cancer treatment in the summertime, the winter sun can still damage your skin immediately following the procedure. Before beginning, tell the provider if you have applied topical products to your face or scalp, as well as discuss any medications—both prescription and over-the-counter—that you are currently taking.
During the Procedure
The dermatologist will start by applying a photosensitizing agent to the skin. Since this agent occurs naturally in the body, the cells will recognize it and absorb it, including the areas of concern. Then, that day or the next, you will sit in front of a blue light for about 17 minutes. This light activates the agent to destroy targeted cells. Most people require multiple sessions over a several-week period to achieve optimal results.
After Treatment
After this skin cancer treatment, you will notice smaller pores, smoother skin, and fewer blemishes. Any lesions will look noticeably better, as well. Since the procedure inhibits the sebaceous glands, though, your skin will produce less oil, making it fairly dry. Some burning and stinging are common at this stage, but it should subside within 24 hours. Applying moisturizer can help relieve any discomfort. Redness, swelling, and crusting may also develop and last for a couple of weeks as the skin recovers.
If you’re interested in skin cancer treatments like blue light therapy, turn to Heibel Dermatology in Lincoln, NE. Dr. Mark D. Heibel has been a practicing dermatologist for more than two decades and is certified by the American Board of Dermatology. To learn about the procedures he performs, visit his website. To make an appointment, call (402) 488-6969.