
Cats are territorial creatures and will investigate anything new in their space—including your Christmas tree. A festive tree also has many exciting elements, from the fragrant needles to the shiny baubles. Unfortunately, your holiday decor can pose a threat to your kitty's health. The last thing you want is to interrupt your holiday season with an emergency trip to the veterinarian. Here's how to keep your cat safe.

Christmas Tree Safety Checklist for Cat Owners

1. Choose & Place Your Tree Strategically

Cats will be more attracted to real trees because of their fragrant needles. A plastic tree will be less interesting and is thus preferable. If you must have a real tree, opt for a shorter one, which is less likely to topple over if a cat jumps on it. Position the tree away from furniture or mantlepieces that can serve as launch pads for hopping onto the tree.

2. Select Ornaments Wisely

veterinarianShiny tinsel is attractive to cats. Unfortunately, if they eat it, they may experience gastrointestinal blockage and require emergency surgery from your veterinarian. Hang baubles up high where kitties can't reach them. If your cat knocks a bauble down and it shatters, they may cut their delicate paw pads. Finally, if you have a kitten, avoid electric lights. Young cats may chew on the cords, creating a risk of shock.

3. Secure the Tree Safely

Invest in a sturdy base for stability. You can also use a ceiling hook to secure the tree from the top. Wrap the base in plastic to keep the cat from drinking the water, which may contain pesticides or fertilizers from the trunk. Wrap the trunk in aluminum foil to keep kitties from scratching or rubbing against it. Felines don't like the crinkling texture and sound of the foil and will steer clear.


Petplex Animal Hospital of Buckeye Lake, OH, is dedicated to helping pet owners keep their furry friends safe and healthy. The veterinarians at this full-service animal care facility prioritize preventive care. In addition to general wellness checks and vaccinations, they offer cutting-edge procedures like CT scans and pet surgery. For your convenience, they also provide emergency care. Visit their website for a full list of services. For an appointment, call (740) 929-3300.
