What You Need to Know About Volleyball Injuries
Ask most volleyball players what they love about the sport, and it’s usually the adrenaline-filled action. Unfortunately, injuries are common and can have negative consequences if not properly treated by a podiatrist or doctor. Here’s what you should know about common volleyball injuries and how to prevent them.
What Are Some Common Volleyball Injuries?
1. Ankle Sprains
Players can sprain or even dislocate their ankles by jumping and landing haphazardly. Quick foot changes, short run bursts, and floor dives may also put undue pressure on the joints, so it’s essential to visit a podiatrist if you notice ankle pain after any of these actions.
2. Finger Dislocations
Since volleyball involves hand positions for setting, blocking, and digging, players are also susceptible to injured fingers. From ligament tears and dislocations to fractures, the pain can be unbearable and take a player out of action for extended periods of time.
3. Jumper’s Knee
This condition is caused by inflammation around the patellar tendon on the kneecap and tibia on the shin bone. Volleyball players engage in repetitive jumping that might trigger a strain or irritation around the knees.
4. Shoulder Pain
Rotator cuffs in the shoulders are prone to tears and sprains due to a player’s repeated use of their arms. Pinched muscles and tendons can also lead to inflammation and should be checked by a professional as soon as possible.
How Can You Prevent Them?
Podiatrists suggest that volleyball players protect their ankles by wearing a supportive brace or taping; either one will help guard against ankle rollovers, which can lead to strains. Hands can also be taped for additional support to protect tendons and ligaments from tears. Cardiovascular interval training drills are helpful for building up arm, knee, and leg strength; because volleyball incorporates fast changes and requires endurance, an exercise program that increases stamina and builds core and leg muscles can aid in the prevention of injuries.
For more than 20 years, St. Peters Foot & Ankle: Samuel T. Wood-DPM in St. Peters and Florissant, MO, has treated athletes from all walks of life. These include foot and ankle injuries stemming from volleyball. Dr. Wood specializes in treatment services tailored for a variety of unique physical ailments. Call (636) 720-0190 in St. Peters or (314) 921-1020 in Florissant to schedule an appointment with a podiatrist, or visit their website to learn more about their services.