
Scrambled eggs are among the most widely-beloved breakfast dishes. However, eating them with ketchup is a somewhat controversial practice. Though some people think eggs and ketchup don't belong together, others find their flavors complement each other perfectly. Here's more about the debate and why you should give ketchup on scrambled eggs a try.

What Are the Arguments Against Putting Ketchup On Scrambled Eggs?

People are often very specific about the way they like their eggs. For some, the idea of dipping eggs in ketchup simply deviates too greatly from their usual breakfast routine. 

Others hesitate to try eggs with ketchup because they didn't grow up eating eggs in this manner. Some people associate ketchup only with certain types of foods, such as burgers, fries, and hot dogs. They may think combining eggs and ketchup sounds unappetizing, even though they might have never tried them together. 

Why Should You Try It? 


Ketchup has a sweet, salty, and tangy flavor profile that can create a delectable contrast with creamy and buttery scrambled eggs. Ketchup also has acidity due to its tomato base and contains seasonings such as onions, garlic, and allspice. 

This gives the condiment a deep and complex flavor that can make scrambled eggs taste more interesting. If you typically enjoy eggs with hot sauce or salsa, trying them with ketchup won't take you too far outside your comfort zone, and you might even grow to prefer eating them this way. 

Skillets that feature scrambled eggs over crispy hash browns and savory sausage may taste even more delicious with ketchup on top since it balances the salty flavors with a touch of sweetness. Ketchup may also make scrambled eggs more appetizing to children, who can be notoriously picky eaters. Since kids typically enjoy dipping fries and chicken tenders in the condiment, serving eggs with ketchup can make your young ones feel more excited about eating them.


When you're in the mood for scrambled eggs, head to Bungalow Inn in Lakeland, MN. This bar and restaurant offers a variety of delicious breakfast specials, including scrambled skillets, egg sandwiches, and omelets. Call (651) 436-5005 to place an order, or view the menu on their website
