Beer continues to be a favorite drink among many people. Whether you want a rich, chocolatey stout or a crisp Pilsner to enjoy during a barbecue, there's a beer suited to every occasion. While you probably drink beer for the flavor—and the pleasant effects of alcohol—there are actually some health benefits to imbibing. The next time you sip your favorite brew at home or a restaurant, remember that it can provide you with several nutrients.
Why Drinking Beer in Moderation Is Beneficial
1. Nutrient Rich
You probably heard about the benefits of drinking a glass of wine a day, but beer might be an even better choice as a nutrient-rich beverage. Beer has antioxidants much like wine, although the types found in beer differ because the flavonoids in barley and hops are different than those in grapes.
No matter their origin, or whether you drink it with dinner at a restaurant or in front of the TV at home, the nutrients can provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, beer contains more protein and vitamin B than wine and has iron, calcium, phosphates, and fiber.
2. Heart Protection
A visit to your favorite restaurant or local sports bar for a pint might be good for your heart. Studies suggest a correlation between a lower risk of heart disease and beer consumption. One beer a day may be an effective way for women to improve their heart health, while men enjoying two beers a day might achieve the same benefit.
3. Better Blood Sugar
The alcohol content in beer could be advantageous for people already dealing with diabetes and may help prevent others from developing the condition. A link might exist between light amounts of alcohol in low-sugar beers, like light beers, and improved resistance to insulin in the body.
4. Stronger Bones
Enjoying a beer or two can help keep your bones strong. Studies suggest that men and postmenopausal women who drink moderate amounts of beer may strengthen their bones because beer is a rich source of silicon known for building bones. Moderation is key here. It appears that the benefits drop sharply beyond two drinks.
When you want to kick back, enjoy a brew, and maybe get some health benefits on the side, head to Bungalow Inn in Lakeland, MN, to relax and enjoy food, drinks, and entertainment with friends. Known throughout Washington County for their weekly all-you-can-eat Friday fish fry, this family-owned and -operated business boasts Wine Wednesdays, Friday Karaoke, Sunday brunches, and happy hour Monday through Friday. To learn more about their drink specials and entertainment schedule, visit their website, and call (651) 436-5005 if you have any questions about their menu.