
Dead spots are brown, dried patches of grass that can be an eyesore on your lawn and diminish the visual appeal of your entire property. Understanding the causes of this issue will help minimize your risk and keep your greenspaces healthy and vibrant. Here are three common causes of dead spots and some lawn care tips for preventing them.

Brown Spots on a Lawn: Causes & Prevention

Lawn Care

1. Grubs

Grubs are the larvae of scarab beetles. They feed on the roots of grass. While all grasses can withstand a certain amount of feeding, extensive grub presence can overwhelm your lawn and deprive certain areas of nutrients, resulting in deadened brown spots. Your lawn care provider can apply a grub preventative to better protect your grass or to treat existing dead areas. Also, leave your grass blades at least two inches high when mowing, as this will ensure deeper root systems that are better able to withstand grub feeding.

2. Fungus

Funguses can create irregular brown or yellow-brown circular patterns on your lawn. They can develop due to any number of causes, such as high humidity, compacted soil, or heavy thatch—basically, anything that reduces airflow and light and increases the likelihood of moisture retention. Avoid overwatering your lawn to better prevent fungi, and keep thatch and yard debris to a minimum. If you have an outbreak, your lawn care provider should apply a fungicide right away.

3. Pet Urine

Pet urine contains high levels nitrogen, which essentially burns grass and leaves behind brown spots surrounded by darker rings. If this happens, rake up the affected grass as much as possible, cover the spot with soil, and spread grass seeds over the top. Watering daily will help the new growth take root and fill in the bare spot. Consider investing in a patch of artificial grass for your pet to utilize; these grasses look and function like real grass but have better drainage capabilities, so urine burns are less of an issue.


If you have dead spots in your grass, the lawn care professionals at Landscape Carolina have the solution. Since 1983, they have been serving the Lancaster County, PA, region. They provide a variety of landscaping and hardscaping services, including lawn mowing, fertilizing, and mulching. Call (803) 289-7888 to request a quote or visit their website to explore their services in more detail.
