
Over 60% of U.S. adults wear corrective lenses. Many lens wearers don their eyeglasses every day, making it important to choose frames that feel thoughtful and personal. Similar to a favorite pair of earrings, glasses can serve as an extension of your personal style. When it comes time to choose new lenses, use this guide to help you determine the best fit. 

How to Choose the Right Glasses for You

1. Face Shape

There are five basic face shapes: round, oval, square, diamond, and heart. A round face is best complemented by a rectangular or slightly oversized frame that slims the face. An oval face shape is balanced by a pair of eyeglasses that are wider in the broadest part of the face with a strong bridge. Square-faced individuals look great in oval or round frames that add softness to facial angles. When someone has a narrow chin or forehead, as is common for a diamond shape, a cat's-eye or oval frame plays up the cheekbones without disrupting proportion. Frames on a heart-shaped face are responsible for balancing the width of the forehead and chin, sitting lower on the bridge of the nose with curved edges that draw attention away from the forehead. 


2. Personality 

Many of us curate what we wear based on what we are doing and who we are with. Just like how the clothes you wear to work may look different than the clothes you wear in the evenings or on the weekend, choose frames that encapsulate all the different sides of you. This may mean choosing glasses in your favorite color or several pairs you can swap out to fit your mood and energy. 

3. Lifestyle

Your eyeglasses should be conducive to your lifestyle. If you are particularly active, you may want to consider frames with increased durability that can twist and bend without breaking. If you spend a lot of time in front of a screen for work or gaming, choose a pair that filters out blue light and eliminates eye strain. If fashion is something you feel passionate about, choose frames that reflect your dedication to making a statement. If you keep your glasses on top of your head and don't want the nose prongs getting caught in your hair, choose a pair with a solid nose piece.


For new glasses, consult the expert optometrists at Alexander Eye Associates & Optical in Rochester, NY. This locally owned and operated eye care clinic is dedicated to providing compassionate care and personalized services for patients looking to have an eye exam, get new eyeglasses, or receive pre- and post-operative care from eye surgery. To learn more about the skilled optometrists behind this business, visit the website. To schedule an appointment, call (585) 325-3070.
