
While acupuncture has long been used to relieve stress and pain, a cosmetic version of this service can help combat signs of aging and improve skin health. This quick, non-invasive treatment can give you a wonderful, fresh-faced glow. The guide below answers questions you might have about the process.

An Introduction to Cosmetic Acupuncture

What does it involve?

The acupuncturist places tiny, hair-fine needles into specific areas of the face. These needles create micro-punctures that cause the body to send blood and elastin to the insertion points, essentially boosting the natural anti-aging capabilities of your skin. As a result of the stimulated blood flow and extra collagen production, greater equilibrium is brought to the systems of the face and body. 

How many sessions will it take to see results?

Different people deal with varying skin conditions and aging concerns, so this is a question best answered by your acupuncturist. In general, a standard course of treatment takes 10 or more sessions if you go two times per week. After that, most people prefer to have maintenance treatments every four to eight weeks.


Does the procedure hurt?

Not at all. You may feel a slight prick from the needles, but most people quickly discover that acupuncture is a relaxing experience. It is a time to lay back, close your eyes, rest, and rejuvenate. Afterward, there is no downtime required and no lingering discomfort to manage so that you can return to your daily routine without issue. If you're scared of needles, the acupuncturist will work within your comfort level to ensure a calm and stress-free treatment.

How long do results last?

This also depends on the person. However, most enjoy their results for three to five years after a course of 10 sessions. You will likely start seeing benefits after just a few appointments, but it's important to complete the entire recommended course to achieve the deepest and longest-lasting effects possible.


To see if cosmetic acupuncture is right for you, visit Avicenna Acupuncture & Lymphedema Clinic. Since 2009, they have been serving the Denver Metro area of Colorado. They provide acupuncture for sports injuries, fertility issues, fibromyalgia, and cosmetic rejuvenation. Call (303) 803-0675 or visit their website to schedule an appointment.

Note: The above information is not a substitute for medical advice. The services listed should not be a replacement for seeking professional assistance.
