4 Conditions That Are Treatable With Acupuncture
Acupuncture, which has roots in ancient Chinese medicine, involves inserting fine needles into specific areas of the body. This practice is believed to balance the body's energy pathways and stimulate nerves in these areas, which can relieve symptoms associated with a number of conditions. Here are a handful of medical issues this therapy may treat.
What Conditions Can Acupuncture Help Treat?
1. Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a disorder that causes widespread pain and is often characterized as dull aching that occurs on both sides of the body and persists for at least three months. It may also cause fatigue, cognitive impairments, and mental health issues. When acupuncture needles stimulate nerves, the body releases endorphins, which are known as "feel-good" hormones, and they function as natural painkillers. This therapy can also reduce inflammation to reduce aches and pains associated with fibromyalgia.
2. Sciatica
Sciatica occurs when a herniated disc, bone spur, or narrow spine compresses the sciatic nerve, which extends from the lower back through the hips, buttocks, and legs. Common symptoms of the condition include sharp, burning pain along these nerve pathways, often accompanied by numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness. Acupuncture may minimize inflammation and repair damage to the sciatic nerve, which can alleviate discomfort.
3. Chronic Headaches
Headaches and migraines typically occur as a result of problems with brain chemical activity, nerves or blood vessels in the skull, or muscles in the head and neck. They often cause sharp, dull, or throbbing pain anywhere on the head, which happens when nerves send pain signals to the brain. Acupuncture may activate pathways in the brain that slow pain transmission. As a result, the practice can relieve symptoms of chronic headaches and reduce the frequency with which they occur.
4. Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Myofascial pain syndrome occurs when trigger points, or taut bands of muscle fibers, develop as a result of repeated contraction. When they put pressure on nearby muscles, tendons, and ligaments, it often leads to chronic pain throughout the body. Acupuncture causes the nerves to send signals to the brain that activate endorphins—the body's natural pain relievers. This release can minimize symptoms of myofascial pain syndrome.
If you want to experience relief from pain and discomfort, reach out to the practitioners at Avicenna Acupuncture and Lymphedema Clinic. They have been serving patients throughout Colorado's Denver Metro area since 2009. This acupuncturist provides sciatica, chronic pain, and fibromyalgia treatment, and they can also help people with inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. They also offer cupping therapy and electroacupuncture. Call (303) 803-0675 to book an appointment for acupuncture, and visit the website to learn more about their methods.
Note: these services are not a replacement for seeking professional medical help.