A Guide to Acupuncture for Pregnant Women
Acupuncture is a therapy used to target various parts of the central nervous system using very small needles. It's a technique that stems from traditional Chinese medicine. The practice is believed to facilitate and balance the flow of energy through the body. In Chinese medicine, this is referred to as qi. The method helps release chemicals that can heal and promote a sense of overall well-being. Use this brief guide to understand how acupuncture can help you physically and mentally during pregnancy.
Is Acupuncture Safe to Get While Pregnant?
Acupuncture is safe for most pregnancies, with reactions and complications being rare. However, it's important that you discuss undergoing this therapy with your doctor before scheduling an appointment. If you're cleared, you can receive acupuncture at any stage of pregnancy, from conception to postpartum, and in all three trimesters.
What Are the Benefits of Acupuncture During Pregnancy?
During pregnancy, acupuncture is used to help treat and address a variety of symptoms or ailments. Your practitioner will enter several tiny needles into specific areas of the skin to stimulate deeper parts of the body. This process helps to initiate the body's natural healing abilities, which focuses on relieving discomfort or other effects of pregnancy.
Some applications of acupuncture during pregnancy are used to treat severe nausea, back and spine pain, headaches, depression, swelling, indigestion, stress, and even preeclampsia or breech babies. Acupuncture is also widely used in women trying to conceive to boost fertility rates.
What Are the Benefits of Getting Acupuncture Before Labor?
Getting acupuncture towards the end of your pregnancy can also help your body prepare for labor. It helps to nourish the body and soften ligaments that your baby will pass through during delivery. These acupuncture points help guide the baby into a safe position within the birth canal, reducing the risk of breech.
Acupuncture before labor also softens the cervix and uterine muscles to facilitate more effective labor. Women who utilize acupuncture before giving birth often have a reduced risk of medical intervention and faster birthing times. It cannot cause preterm labor.
If you're interested in enjoying the benefits of acupuncture during pregnancy, reach out to the practitioners at Avicenna Acupuncture & Lymphedema Clinic in Wheat Ridge, CO. These professional acupuncture specialists have experience working with women who are trying to conceive or seeking relief during pregnancy. They can also help you throughout postpartum recovery. They serve residents across the Denver Metro area through the application of alternative medicine and natural healing processes that promote pain relief and a healthy lifestyle. Their team also specializes in cupping therapy and herbal medicine. Visit the website for further information about acupuncture, or call (303) 803-0675 to schedule an appointment.
NOTE: These services are not a replacement for seeking professional medical help.