
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is designed to protect sensitive and confidential patient information. Pharmacies, like most health care settings, must comply with HIPAA standards, or they risk being penalized with potentially substantial fines. HIPAA compliance can be a complex subject to navigate, especially for new pharmacy owners. To help you comply, here are some methods for handling digital data—access controls and encryption are two must-have options—as well as physical files, including pharmacy casework and privacy-best printing practices.

Digital Data

The HIPAA Security Rule stipulates a number of security safeguards for the handling and management of digital patient information. Encryption is one of the most crucial, as it prevents unauthorized access by converting digital data into code. Your pharmacy should have a high-quality, industry-standard encryption program installed on all computers.

Access controls are also essential. They minimize the risk of unauthorized access by requiring various verifying login credentials. Unique, frequently changed passwords; automatic logoffs; and defined emergency access procedures should all be in place.

pharmacy casework

All computer systems in your pharmacy should have audit capabilities. This allows you to track and monitor user tasks and time frames to maintain the highest levels of security.

Physical Data

Physical files must be stored securely to comply with HIPAA. This means investing in strong, durable pharmacy casework like filing cabinets. Your pharmacy casework should be stored out of sight and locked so unauthorized persons cannot access the sensitive information inside.

Staff training plays a key role in complying with physical data requirements. Be sure your staff knows that files should be covered when moving or handling data so no one else can see any customer documentation. Also, when printing, password-protect all print jobs, and set up devices so they print facedown.


These are just a sampling of the critical HIPAA compliance steps your pharmacy will need to implement. For reliable pharmacy casework, trust Midwest Medical Systems. Since 1989, they have been serving Dayton, OH, and the Midwestern U.S., offering pharmacy and laboratory casework, freezers, refrigerators, Metro wire shelving, and other solutions. Call (800) 762-7722 to request a quote, or visit them online to browse their products.
