
Metal staircases are a popular choice in commercial and industrial settings due to their durability, cost-effectiveness, and low maintenance needs. However, like any other structure, metal staircases have a lifespan, and over time, they may begin to show signs of wear and tear. When this occurs, a professional that specializes in custom metalwork can design a new staircase for your property. This guide discusses some common signs that indicate it’s time to replace your metal staircase. 

How to Tell It's Time to Replace Your Metal Staircase

1. Loose Handrails 

Handrails provide support and stability to anyone using the stairs. If you notice that the handrails are loose, it’s a sign that they may need to be replaced. Loose handrails can be a safety hazard, especially if they give way when someone leans on them. 

2. Loose Steps

Loose steps are another sign that your metal staircase needs to be replaced. If the steps are wobbly or move when stepped on, it’s a sign that the structure is unstable. Loose steps can cause accidents, especially if people are carrying heavy objects up or down the stairs. Custom metalwork professionals can replace the steps with new ones that fit the staircase and provide a stable surface to walk on. 

3. Rust 

Rust is a common problem with metal structures, including metal staircases. If you notice rust on your staircase, it’s a sign that the metal is deteriorating, and the staircase may need to be replaced. Rust weakens metal and can cause it to become brittle, which can lead to a collapse. It’s crucial to have the rusted parts of the staircase replaced with new ones that are free of corrosion. 

4. Old Age 

Like all structures, metal staircases have a lifespan. If your staircase is old, it may need to be replaced. Over time, metal can become weak and brittle, and the staircase may no longer be safe to use. Also, an outdated staircase can bring down the curb appeal of your commercial property. Consider investing in a customized steel staircase that is functional and enhances your business’s appearance. 

5. Unstable 

If your metal staircase is unstable, it’s a sign that it needs to be replaced. An unstable staircase can be dangerous to use and can cause accidents. Custom metalwork professionals can assess the stability of your staircase and replace it with a new one that is safe and meets your requirements. 

If you notice any of these signs, it's time to replace your metal staircase. At M & M Welding & Fabrication, located in High Point, NC, they specialize in custom metalwork and can install quality metal steps and railings. This family-owned company has over 25 years of industry experience and utilizes state-of-the-art technology to get the job done. No project is too big or small for their skilled team. Contact them at (336) 885-9353 for a free quote or visit their website for more information.
