An uncommon condition, stomach polyps is a kind of unusual tissue growth. It often develops unnoticeably, so you may not know you have them until they’ve caused damage. To make sure your next visit to the family doctor provides as thorough of a health check as possible, bring it to their attention if you notice the following.
What Are Stomach Polyps & Their Symptoms?
Rare but usually non-cancerous, stomach polyps are clumps of cells that accumulate inside your stomach lining. They typically don’t have symptoms unless they grow large and develop ulcers. In fact, your family doctor may not even know about them unless they happen to find them while examining something else. If there are any symptoms, they include nausea, anemia, pain when you put pressure on your stomach, and blood in your stool.
What Causes Stomach Polyps? Who’s at Risk?
Certain medications that are meant for pain management and to fight acid reflux, like omeprazole, may cause stomach polyps. Gastritis, or chronic stomach inflammation, may also cause this to form. Some people genetically inherit a rare syndrome known as familial adenomatous polyposis, which makes a person especially prone to developing both polyps and tumors.
How Is It Treated?
All types of polyps may become cancerous, especially the ones produced by familial adenomatous polyposis, but the chances are still slim. If the polyps are small and not associated with the aforementioned syndrome, it’s possible that your family doctor may simply monitor them to see whether they grow and become dangerous. If they do, they may be removed with an endoscopy.
For a family doctor who will provide personalized care, go to MediCenter in Kenai, AK. They even have a specialist for gastroenterology, guaranteeing that you get top-notch care for polyps or any other condition related to your stomach or intestines. Additionally, they can provide physical therapy programs and women’s health services, and they care as much about preventing medical problems as they do about treating them. To learn more about their offerings, visit their website. Call (907) 283-9118 to schedule an appointment.