Whether due to slippery road conditions, overly sharp turns, or driving at excessively high speeds, a car may skid due to a number of reasons. To stay safe on the road and avoid skids, drivers should always maintain their car tires and drive safely and smoothly. While prevention is always the best medicine, there are a few key steps to take in the event you lose control of the vehicle.
What Should You Do When You Car Tires Skid?
1. Stay Calm & Focus
Although it’s easier said than done, try to stay as calm as possible when your car begins to skid. Focus your eyes on a safe target in the distance where you need to direct the car. When you focus on one spot, you will be able to steer in the right direction with greater proficiency.
2. Ease Off the Accelerator for a Front-Wheel Skid
If your car begins to drift in the wrong direction, you need to tackle what’s called a front-wheel skid. Often, these skids occur when a driver attempts to take a corner with too much speed. As soon as the car begins to drift, slowly let up on the gas and attempt to gently steer the car back on track. If you can’t do so within a few seconds, gently tap the brake. Never slam your foot on the brakes, however, as this can cause the wheels to lock up and the car to spin.
3. Turn Very Slightly for a Rear-Wheel Skid
Also known as fishtailing, a rear-wheel skid occurs when the back of the car slides to the left or right. To even out the back car tires, gently turn the wheel in the same direction as the skid. Don’t swerve the wheel too sharply, though, which can lead to an accident, especially at high speeds.
To prevent skidding, always maintain properly treaded and pressurized tires. The friendly team from M & C Tire in Kalispell, MT, provides the high-quality selection of car tires, rims, and accessories locals need for smooth-driving vehicles. They also offer the robust winter tires needed to stay safe in inclement weather during the season ahead. To learn more about the locally owned and operated Flathead County business, visit their website or call today at (406) 752-9662.