
There are countless ways to see the world around you—it all depends on the perspective you occupy. This concept is key in the surveying industry, as there are many ways to measure and depict a plot of land. If you’re unfamiliar with the differences between two of the leading perspectives—boundary and topographic surveys—use the following comparison to make sense of it all.

What Are Boundary Surveys?

Boundary surveys are simply focused on the perimeter. They seek to define the exact points at which one property ends and another begins, and they clearly illustrate these boundaries.

boundary surveyThese surveys are especially helpful in the process of buying and selling land, as they allow interested parties to know exactly how much they’re getting or giving up. If you already own a property, a boundary survey will let you know where you can and can’t build hardscaping features, modify landscaping elements, or add to your house or commercial building. This will help landowners avoid everything from neighborly disputes to serious lawsuits.

What Are Topographic Surveys?

These depictions of land focus on the terrain, how it rises and falls, and where these curves lie in relation to each other. A surveyor trying to capture a property’s topography will turn its three-dimensional shapes into a simplified, two-dimensional rendering, which can then be used by construction and landscaping teams as an essential resource.

The topographic survey will include contours—lines that depict the peaks and slopes—as well as stationary natural elements such as streams, trees, and bushes. Utilities such as telephone lines, street lamps, and underground gas or water lines may also be pictured on a topographic survey.


Whether you need a boundary or topographic survey for your property, turn to Raber Surveying in Summerdale, AL. They’re proud to offer both of these survey types, and they’ve been delivering accurate measurements and illustrations since 1999. To learn more about their state-of-the-art equipment and expert team, visit the website. Call (251) 975-7525 to set up an appointment today.
