
As a homeowner, having a clogged drain can be a frustrating and inconvenient experience. Whether it's a slow drain or a completely blocked pipe, a blockage can disrupt your daily routine and cause water damage if not addressed promptly. Knowing the common causes can help you prevent them from happening in the future. Clogged pipe cleaning can also be beneficial for your plumbing system. Here are some common culprits of clogs that you should be aware of. 

What Factors Lead to Clogged Drains?

1. Food 

One of the primary causes of clogged drains is food debris, such as grease, oil, and leftover food particles. Grease and oil solidify when they cool down, making it difficult for water to flow through the pipes. To prevent this, avoid pouring grease and oil down the drain, and use a strainer to catch food particles before they go down the sink. 

2. Hair 

Hair is another common cause of clogged drains, especially in the bathroom. As you shower, hair can accumulate in the drain and form a blockage. To prevent this, use a drain cover to catch hair and clean it regularly. Pet hair can also make its way into your pipes, build up, and form a clog. If possible, try to bathe your furry friend outdoors instead of in your bathtub. 

3. Paper Products 

Paper products such as paper towels, tissues, feminine products, and wipes are not designed to dissolve in water. These products can accumulate in your pipes and cause a blockage. Always dispose of these items in the trash, not down the toilet. 

4. Soap 

Soap scum can accumulate in your drain and cause a blockage over time. While soap is designed to dissolve in water, hard water can cause it to form a hard residue that can clog your pipes. In addition, many bar soaps have animal fat, which also leads to the formation of soap scum. You can opt for liquid soap or a bar soap that doesn’t contain animal fat. 

5. Foreign Objects 

Foreign objects such as toys, jewelry, and hygiene products can accidentally fall into your drain and cause a blockage. Always be mindful of what you are putting down the drain and keep small objects out of reach of children. If you suspect an object is lodged in your plumbing system, you should seek out professional clogged pipe cleaning services. 

When it comes to drain cleaning, turn to Sanitrol Septic Services LLC. Located in North Branford, CT, they offer professional and reliable services to homeowners in the area. They’re a trusted provider of plumbing solutions, including clogged pipe cleaning, and have the equipment and expertise to get projects done in a timely and efficient manner. Contact them at (203) 315-3202 for a free same-day estimate and to schedule an appointment. You can also visit their website for more information.
