
When you rent a moving truck, you will save a considerable amount of money on relocation costs and have more control over the move. But, for most people, driving a large truck is not a regular occurrence, so extra care and caution are necessary. Here are a few tips for safely and effectively driving your rental truck.

Safety Tips for Driving a Moving Truck

1. Maintain a Greater Following Distance

It's no secret that a truck is much larger than your typical passenger vehicle. This means that it will take longer to come to a stop when you apply the brake pedal. Increase your following distance by putting at least six seconds between the truck and the vehicle in front. You'll have more time to bring the truck to a safe and complete stop and avoid rear-ending the vehicle you're following. This also helps you brake more gradually and prevent losing control of the truck.

Moving Truck

2. Slow Down

A moving truck is a lot of vehicle to handle when you're used to a standard-size car. Traveling at slower rates of speed than you normally would will give you better control over the truck and more time to respond to changing traffic or road conditions. In general, aim to go about half the speed you usually travel, and, on multilane roads, drive in the slow lane so as not to block traffic. If you need to pass another vehicle or make a lane change, take these maneuvers slower than usual too, and be sure to use turn signals so other vehicles are aware of your intentions. This keeps everyone safer.

3. Be Mindful of the Clearance

Your truck will also have significantly more vertical space, which can make it difficult to get into spots with lower clearance. The vehicle's height is usually listed on the rental paperwork and on the inside of the windshield. Take note of it so you can avoid locations that typically have lower overhead space, like drive-throughs, parking garages, and certain overpasses and bridges. And don't risk it; if you're unsure if the truck will clear a low overhead, take an alternate route.


By following these pointers, you will be able to get to your new home with ease. When you need a moving truck rental, trust Westside Storage & Truck Rental. Serving the Cincinnati, OH, area, they also provide affordable self-storage solutions for residential and commercial customers. Call (513) 451-6474 to obtain a truck or storage quote or visit them online to explore their services.
