
A cavity is a weakened area or hole in your tooth enamel. It’s caused by bacteria in your mouth which feed on sugar and secrete acid, wearing away at the tooth. Some cause toothaches, but some are not detected until your regular dental visit. If not treated by a dentist, a cavity can lead to tooth damage and infect the surrounding tissue and bone. To avoid this, your dentist will usually recommend one of the following options.

What Dentists Recommend to Treat Cavities

1. Fillings

To treat a small cavity, your dentist will remove the infected area of the tooth. This leaves a hole which must be filled to stop bacteria and food debris from building up inside. A dental filling plugs the gap, preventing future decay. It can be made of several materials including gold, a silvery metal amalgam, porcelain, or tooth-colored resin. 

Porcelain and resin fillings are recommended for front teeth because they look like your natural enamel, while metal ones are recommended for molars because they are slightly softer, so they won’t damage the opposite tooth when you chew.

2. Crowns


Sometimes, a severe cavity affects a large area of the tooth, weakening its structure. After removing the infected portions of the tooth, what remains may be too fragile to support itself, so it needs a crown. A dental crown rests over the whole tooth like a cap, protecting it from breaking and keeping out bacteria. It can be made of metal, but modern ones are usually made of porcelain in the shape of a natural tooth.

3. Root Canals

When a cavity grows deep enough into a tooth, it reaches the pulp, the soft tissue and nerves at the center. When dental pulp is infected, it doesn’t heal on its own because the inflammation from the infection presses the soft tissue against the hard enamel surrounding it, aggravating it more. 

To save the tooth, your dentist can clean out the infected pulp inside the tooth and replace it with inert material. This is called root canal therapy. After a root canal, the tooth is covered with a crown to keep bacteria out of the interior and prevent breakage.


If you’re worried you might have a cavity, visit Laguna Bond Dental in Elk Grove, CA. Serving Sacramento County, they are members of the California Dental Association and the American Dental Association, and they’re available for emergency treatment. To schedule, call (916) 686-8989 or reach out online.
