
Whether there is a significant event coming up, you're getting pictures taken, or you just like to keep your pearly whites as bright as possible, teeth whitening is an excellent investment. This type of cosmetic dentistry is one of the most common procedures and can usually be done within a single visit. To ensure your teeth retain the whiter shade for as long as possible after the procedure, here's what you should do.


Maintain your oral health routine.

teeth whitening

For strong and bright teeth, brush and floss regularly. Make sure to use the correct technique as well. For example, spend at least two minutes brushing twice a day to effectively clean the teeth and gums. Additionally, floss every night to remove leftover foods that could encourage bacteria growth. If your dentist recommends mouthwash to round out the routine, make sure to commit to it as well. 

Eat foods at moderate temperatures.

Although teeth whitening affects the surface, your teeth and gums will be a bit sensitive for about two days. Sensitivity will depend on your personal dental history as well as the type of whitening procedure. To minimize any discomfort, allow foods to reach a moderate temperature before taking a bite or a sip. For example, don't consume hot soups, as the heat can cause extreme sensitivity. 


Consume heavily pigmented foods and drinks.

For about a week, avoid curry, chocolate, coffee, tea, wine, fruit juice, and anything else that is bright or rich in color. Stick to water, milk, chicken, white fish, pasta, and other foods that have little to no pigment. If you do happen to consume these foods within this time frame, just rinse with mouthwash or brush immediately afterward.  

Smoke or chew tobacco products.

Whether it's a cigarette or chewing tobacco, products like these are one of the top causes of dental discoloration. They will quickly and easily reverse the effects of a teeth whitening procedure. Furthermore, they can compromise your overall oral health. If you're a smoker, consider using a nicotine patch for a few days after the procedure to help curb the craving.

When seeking an effective and long-lasting teeth whitening treatment, make an appointment with Dr. Thomas Park, DDS. He and his team are known throughout Seymour, CT, for their wide range of services, including teeth whitening treatment. The team will offer tips on how to prolong your whitening treatment. Visit them online to learn more about their services and call (203) 888-9947 to schedule an appointment. 
