
Drilling a private well on your property is ideal if you’re looking for a more affordable and fresher alternative to municipal water service. If this is your first time considering a well, it’s important to know how these systems are installed and how they operate, especially when it comes to aquifer access. Here’s some information about water well drilling and aquifers.

What Are Aquifers?

Before a drilling contractor can install a well, they must first locate a natural resource known as an aquifer. Aquifers are massive reserves of groundwater positioned up to 300 feet below the ground surface. This supply is contained under a permeable rock formation, allowing fresh water to replenish the aquifer.   

How Do Aquifers Work With Wells?

Prior to installation, contractors use local water tables to pinpoint aquifers on the property. Once the location is identified, heavy-duty drills are used to penetrate the soil and rock formation. This opening serves as the well’s access point for water reserves.

After water well drilling, professionals install motorized pumps to draw resources from the aquifer and to the surface. Jet pumps are used to pull fluids up from shallow wells.

By contrast, submersible pumps are placed in deep wells under the water. Instead of pulling, these devices push fluids up to the surface.

water well drillingAquifer reserves are then directed from the pump through the well’s filtration and treatment systems. Ready-to-use water is stored in a tank that’s connected to the household plumbing system.

Are Aquifers Clean?

The groundwater in aquifers has gone through extensive natural filtration throughout the millennia. As such, these reserves can typically provide clean and safe drinking water. Well filtration systems can eliminate lingering sediment particles, while softeners can remove minerals from the supply.

Despite natural filtration, it’s always possible that these supplies can become contaminated by bacteria or other pathogens. That’s why it’s important to have your well inspection provider test the water quality annually to determine if additional treatment is necessary.


If you want professional water well drilling for your property, contact Sullivan Water Wells in Anchorage, AK. With over five decades of experience, this team understands how to locate plentiful aquifers and gain reliable access through precision drilling techniques. After installation, this family-owned business will continue to keep your system intact by providing comprehensive well inspections, testing, maintenance, and pump repairs. To learn more about their capabilities, visit them online. For installation estimates or service requests, call (907) 688-2759.  
