A dental implant is the only permanent solution to a missing tooth, consisting of titanium screws, abutments, and crowns. It offers numerous advantages, including restored speaking and chewing abilities, yet myths about it persist. If you're considering this treatment option, here's the truth about it to help guide your decision.
What Are Common Misconceptions About Dental Implants?
1. They’re Painful
Surgery for permanent tooth restoration involves nitrous oxide or local anesthesia, numbing the affected area to minimize pain and maximize healing. While it is normal for the mouth to feel slight aches after the procedure, severe discomfort is rare. Over-the-counter or prescription painkillers mitigate soreness, with many patients resuming normal activities within three days of surgery.
2. They Look Fake
Dental implants are custom-made to look like your surrounding natural teeth, including the size, shape, and color. They are virtually indistinguishable, allowing you to grin with extra assurance.
Those who undergo the procedure often remark on the confidence boosts they experience since they no longer feel self-conscious about their smiles.
3. They're Impossible for Those With Gum Disease
Sufficient gum and bone tissue are necessary for titanium screw installation and proper healing, which takes about three to six months. If there aren't enough of these tissues due to periodontal disease, a dentist must first treat the condition.
They will suggest gum and bone grafts, in addition to practicing good oral hygiene. After the procedure, you'll have enough foundational material for the titanium screws.
4. They Limit What You Can Eat
Some tooth loss options come with food restrictions. For example, dentures require following a diet of soft foods until you become accustomed to the prosthetics.
In contrast, dental implants do not include restrictions, as they function like regular teeth. As a result, they allow you to enjoy a wide range of meal options. However, since soreness is common in the days following the procedure, stick to a soft food diet until you fully heal.
If dental implants sound right for your oral health needs, make an appointment with Brian S. Kubo, DDS. Based in Kamuela, HI, this dentist provides residents throughout the Big Island with preventative dental care and cosmetic dentistry services. Whether you need an implant or gum disease treatment, he'll help maintain your smile using the latest techniques and cutting-edge equipment. Call (808) 885-8465 today to schedule your appointment, or visit the website for more about his teeth replacement services.