
Whether you’re buying a new home or just concerned about an existing property, a septic inspection offers numerous benefits. Problems with the septic system can become quite expensive, especially when extensive repairs are required. In this case, an inspection provides peace of mind to homeowners. 

Visual Inspection

While limited, a visual inspection of a septic system can uncover certain information. This often involves the inspector running water in the home to look for certain issues. The inspector will also flush toilets to determine whether backups or clogs are a problem. Keep in mind that certain occurrences can’t be determined by a visual inspection alone. For example, a leaking or overflowing tank might not give any indication until a failure has occurred. Corroded pipes and tanks can also not be identified by a visual inspection.  

Septic Tank Pumping

Septic InspectionFor a thorough septic inspection, your tank will need to be pumped. The first step entails opening the tank; here, the inspector will see how full it is. Once the liquid level is tested, the tank will then be pumped. This helps the inspector determine whether there are any issues with backflow to the leach field, which is where wastewater is absorbed. Water flowing from the house to the tank will also be assessed. 

Questions & Answers

Your inspector will ask some questions about the use of your plumbing system. He or she might inquire about the last time the tank has received maintenance or ask about usage. Usage plays a significant role in the wear of a system and can also determine how often your tank should be pumped. You may also be asked whether the usage is scheduled to change in the coming months. 


If you need a septic inspection in Middletown, OH, Johnny's A-1 Sanitation is here to help. Helping locals since 1949, these technicians can capably identify a problem and offer a reasonable solution. They can clean your system regularly to ensure it remains operational, as well as install a new tank when the time comes. Schedule an inspection today by calling (513) 988-5880. You can also learn more about their septic services by visiting the website
