
Over 15 million older adults live with diabetes in the U.S. While there isn’t a cure for this disease, it’s possible to manage it effectively with the right insurance and improved lifestyle changes. If you’re a senior recently diagnosed with this condition, follow the guidelines below to stay healthy.

How Seniors Can Live With Diabetes

1. Prioritize Healthy Eating

The body relies on insulin — a type of hormone — to help regulate sugar in the blood system, which is the product of food. However, hormone production decreases with age. As a person’s natural insulin levels drop, their blood sugar remains higher for longer, resulting in diabetes.

Opting for healthy food can help manage levels naturally, preventing dangerous spikes and lows. Fiber-rich options, like vegetables, take a long time to break down, helping regulate blood sugar. You should also consume healthy carbs like whole grains and good fats, such as nuts. To ensure a nutritious diet, avoid foods high in sodium, saturated fats, and cholesterol. 


2. Boost Activity Level

Physical activity offers many benefits, including reducing the risk of falls and coronary heart disease. It also helps increase sensitivity to insulin, making it easier to manage diabetes. For these reasons, exercise daily with light-impact workouts, like walking or swimming. 

After getting a doctor’s approval, start small and increase intensity as endurance levels improve. Work up to around 150 minutes per week, but remember to stay hydrated, monitor blood sugar before and after, and inspect feet and legs for sores or blisters. 

3. Stay On Top of Appointments

Regular oversight from a medical professional can provide important details and monitoring, such as an A1C test that shows average blood sugar dating back three months. For that reason, avoid missing any appointments. Otherwise, your treatment can’t be altered to meet any evolving needs. Many insurance providers cover services catering to diabetes, like a nutritionist, so double-check your plan to identify helpful perks.


Make managing diabetes easier with coverage from Toohey Insurance Service in Somerset, KY. The local insurance provider offers supplemental Medicare plans and group policies to residents and employees across Pulaski County. Find out how the team can assist your insurance needs by visiting them online, and request a quote today by calling (606) 678-0540. 
