
As they approach preschool age, children experience a number of cognitive, emotional, and physical milestones. From recalling parts of a story to getting dressed on their own, 3- and 4-year-olds begin to test their abilities and exercise more independence. To further support their early childhood learning opportunities in this stage, identify some of these key milestones to watch for.

5 Critical Milestones for Preschool-Aged Children

1. Forming Longer Sentences

Even if your child hasn’t been talkative, by the age of 4 they’re likely to become chatty. At this stage, they should begin speaking clearly and forming sentences of five to six words. Engaging in regular dialog and reading stories with your toddler can boost their vocabulary.

2. Asking Questions 

While a number of cognitive developments take place at this age, one of the most noticeable changes you’ll see in your child is an increase in questions. They may begin asking “why” frequently, and to promote early childhood learning, you can ask questions of them, too. Have them recall parts of a story or sort objects by shapes, colors, and sizes.

3. Climbing the Stairs

Walking up and down the stairs, alternating feet, is an important milestone at this age. Your child should also learn to kick, throw, and catch a ball. Give your child the chance to enjoy supervised outdoor playtime with the toys they choose, and limit enriching television or tablet time to no more than one or two hours per day.

4. Improving Dexterity

early childhood learningBasic motor skills will be refined at this age, as your child learns to write letters, dress and undress independently, turn handles, and use children’s scissors. Workbooks can be used to practice drawing and writing at home until your child is enrolled in an early childhood learning center.

5. Becoming Social Yet Independent

Although your child will express an interest in independent activities, they’ll also develop social skills such as displays of affection. To promote sharing, healthy displays of emotion, and conflict resolution, be sure your child gets to spend time with their peers regularly.


While your 3- to 4-year-old child can gain new insights in any environment, it’s especially important to ensure they’re exposed to a setting designed specifically for mental stimulation and engagement, social exploration, and healthy physical development. As a trusted early childhood learning center in Anchorage, AK, Northern Lights Preschool & Child Care follows a “Child Center” philosophy, providing age-appropriate activities that promote development while appealing to children’s interests. Discover more about their preschool programs online or call (907) 274-2040 to set up a tour.
