
It's important to prepare for any situation that might arise when traveling with your family, and this is especially true when you get to the airport. With weather-related delays and unforeseen events, the wait between getting dropped off by an airport shuttle and boarding the plane could take longer than anticipated. Here are a few ways to keep your kids entertained so that they don't become bored and irritable while waiting for the flight. 

How to Entertain Kids at the Airport

1. Watch the Planes

An airport is the perfect setting to see a variety of large commercial planes and smaller, private aircraft all in one place. You can take your kids to the food court, an observation deck, or a terminal gate with floor-to-ceiling windows for better views of the tarmac and runway. 

From your vantage point, you might be able to see the names or registration markers of the airliners. You can look up each plane to find out facts and additional anecdotes to share with your inquisitive children. 

2. Try a New Cuisine

airport shuttle

Taking your kids for a bite to eat will keep them preoccupied while waiting for the flight and avoid rumbling stomachs in the air. A trip to the food court can be the perfect introduction to a new cuisine that your youngsters have never tried before. 

They can browse the menu at each restaurant before making their selections. To enjoy an eclectic mix of foods, opt for a first course at one eatery, an entree from another establishment, and a dessert from a bakery.  

3. Search for Different Objects

If you have a long wait until the flight, create a seek-and-find game for entertainment. While waiting for the airport shuttle to arrive, write down a list of objects that are often found at airports. 

For instance, the list could include wheelchairs for accessibility, prepackaged sandwiches in micromarkets, and memorabilia with local sports teams' logos in the gift shop. On your way to the gate, search the area with your children for the items on the list.   


For reliable airport transportation to keep your family trip on track, contact the professionals at OMALiNK Airport Shuttle Charter & Town Car Service in Lincoln, NE. The insured shuttle service follows Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration regulations to ensure passengers remain safe and comfortable while heading to their destinations. Learn more about the company's customer commitment online, or call (402) 475-5465 to book an airport shuttle. 
