About Point Counterpoint
Chamber music was founded in the early 1800s and was described by English composer Richard Walthew as “the music of friends.” At Point CounterPoint at Lake Dunmore in Leicester, VT, they keep the history of chamber music alive by offering a summer music camp for students around the world ages eight to 18 where they can share their love of classical music together.
Established in 1963 by Edwin Finckel, the camp quickly grew over the years, attracting students from all over the world, including campers from France, Germany, West Africa, Israel, and Switzerland. At this music summer camp, students can experience camaraderie and enrich themselves in the experiences they’ll receive and the lessons taught. Each session is two weeks long and can be combined to complete the entire summer at camp if desired.
During their stay, students learn how to work together in a small group and become successful in their craft without relying on an adult to mediate. They will learn about music theory, music studies, and receive private lessons. All of the experience gained at the music camp will leave them feeling confident and fulfilled.
A Prelude class, offering string and piano lessons, is available for students ages eight to 13. Although it lasts only one week, students will thrive in a place where they will be taught in a group to explore their talents with others, strengthening their confidence in playing and providing a space where they can bond with others.
Music unites individuals from all walks of life. To give your child a place to thrive musically, contact the Point CounterPoint music camp. Call them today at (802) 247-8467 to talk with an experienced staff member and learn about all they have to offer. You can also visit their website or Facebook page for more information.