
The average furnace can last anywhere from 15 to 30 years. While there’s no foolproof way to get three decades out of your appliance, there are steps you can take to prevent system failure and to minimize the need for extensive heating repairs along the way. If you want to extend the longevity of your furnace, here’s how to get started.

How to Increase a Furnace’s Life Span

1. Clear the Registers 

To circulate warm air freely, furnaces need clear registers that aren’t blocked by dirt, dust, or debris. If your registers are clogged or blocked by furniture, the furnace will have to work harder than necessary to maintain a consistent temperature. This, in turn, will speed up its wear and tear and lead to costly heating repairs.

2. Use Insulating Decor 

heating repairInstalling thick curtains around your home can contribute to the longevity of your furnace. Such decor can inhibit heat loss, thereby preventing your furnace from having to work overtime.

For optimal efficiency, open the curtains during the day to let the sunlight stream in, and close them at night to block cold drafts. Consider putting carpeting or area rugs throughout your home for added insulation.  

3. Schedule Regular Tuneups

Arrange to have a professional inspect your furnace once a year, preferably around the start of the season. A seasoned tech will change the air filter, calibrate the thermostat, clear the vents, and lubricate all moving parts. They’ll also inspect the system for any minor issues and address them before they cause major damage. 


If your furnace is due for preventive maintenance—or needs heating repairs—count on Service Air Eastern Shore. Since 2000, this HVAC contractor has been serving homeowners across Alabama’s Baldwin and Mobile counties. Their highly trained team is equipped to work on virtually all makes of appliances, and they offer a 10-year labor guarantee for all new installations. To request a quote for your heating repairs or maintenance, call (251) 990-8060. To learn more about their services, visit their website
