
Designing the ideal office space is a process unique to every business owner and industry. However, from a modern perspective, there are a few techniques that will prove successful across-the-board. To retain your employees and attract your client base, use these three tips when working with a commercial contractor to design a modern office.

How to Design a Modern Office

1. Opt for Natural Materials

Environmentalism is at the forefront of many industries, from fashion to food packaging. A business that works out of an eco-friendly space is sure to win points from both peers and customers.

Focus on using sustainable natural materials that cut down on manufacturing emissions, such as bamboo, cork, and adobe. Use reclaimed materials, such as salvaged wood or concrete, for interior elements like staircases and doors. You could even install a garden or grass-covered roof to create habitats for local wildlife and increase oxygen production. 

2. Avoid Partitions

commercial contractorWhen creating the blueprints for your workspace, choose open-plan layouts over private, walled offices. By limiting walls and partitions, you can encourage conversation and collaboration among employees, enhancing their productivity and accountability.

Separate offices can create a sense of hierarchy (like corner offices for top executives), while open spaces propose equity. Partition-less offices also allow for better air circulation, which can keep your employees happier and healthier.

3. Leave Room for Large Windows

The more large windows you can incorporate into your building plans, the more natural light will flood the workspace. Natural light is a well-known real estate asset, making interior spaces appear cleaner and larger.

An abundance of sunshine can also benefit your employees and clients—exposure to UV rays can trigger the production of vitamin D, and help prevent mood disorders like anxiety and depression. If your property is surrounded by trees and other plants, these large windows can also highlight green space throughout the workday, providing additional health benefits.


If you want to start brainstorming your ideal office space with a commercial contractor, reach out to Building Innovation Group in East Rochester, NY. This trusted team has experience designing and building a wide range of commercial properties. Whatever special considerations you’d like to work into your project, these licensed and insured commercial contractors will satisfy your vision. Find out more about their skills online, or call (585) 586-6710 to schedule a consultation. 
