
If you own a restaurant or bar, expanding your beer selection will help increase sales and bring in new customers. For example, many owners are adding Indian Pale Ales (IPAs) to their menu, as they're becoming increasingly popular across the country. Here's what you need to know about this beer type.

What Are IPAs? 

IPAs differ depending on the style, but they get their characteristics from the hops and fruity and herbal flavors. They're often bitter and can contain high levels of alcohol, but the taste will depend on the type of hops used. Some options can taste citrusy, while others are strong and sharp. In general, British IPAs tend to be maltier, while New England options are fruitier. West Coast IPAs are somewhere in the middle; they have a hoppy yet bitter taste while incorporating citrus.  

Why Are IPAs so Popular? 


In the past, IPAs were far more bitter, but now the trend is toward hoppiness, which makes them more approachable. Additionally, IPAs have been found to be healthier than other beers, as they may be able to protect against liver damage. They're also safer than a straight liqueur

Do IPAs Go Bad? 

IPAs have hops, which help preserve them and keep them from going bad. However, they'll eventually lose some of the aromas and flavors. Try to serve them to customers within three weeks of the production date.  

What Are the Best IPA Food Pairings?

Many American IPAs have fruity flavors, allowing for plenty of pairing options. For example, New England IPAs go well with Ceviche, a South American seafood dish. The citrusy beer resonates with the mango cubes and cured citrus of the fish.

IPAs are very carbonated, which is helpful when enjoying creamier and richer foods. The carbonation cuts through the fat, resetting your palate between bites. The bubbly texture will also enhance fish and chips, especially if the dish comes with a tartar dipping sauce. 


If you're looking to add IPAs to your restaurant or bar menu, contact Classic Brands-Budweiser. Serving Ohio's Ross, Pike, Pickaway, Highland, Fayette, Gallia, Jackson, Hocking, and Madison counties, they've been supplying beer to businesses since 1948. They offer dozens of brands and beer styles, including IPAs, and provide superior customer service. For more information, reach out to (740) 774-283. Visit them online to learn more about their options.     
