
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, many individuals are looking for ways to stay well and avoid unnecessary visits to doctors and health centers. This includes a commitment to a great at-home oral care routine to decrease the risk of needing emergency treatment from your dentist. Here are a few recommendations to ensure your mouth stays healthy and beautiful. 

4 Dental Wellness Tips to Embrace During the Pandemic

1. Brush & Floss Twice a Day

Dentists recommend brushing and flossing twice a day, once in the morning and once right before bed. This oral hygiene routine should be practiced by both children and adults as a way to freshen breath, remove food debris, and wash away plaque buildup that can eventually lead to tooth decay and gum disease. 


2. Quit Smoking

Smoking cigarettes and vaping increase your risk of oral health problems because the habit reduces oxygen in your bloodstream and leaves you susceptible to infection and slow healing. Smoking-related oral health issues can include oral cancer, gum disease, tooth decay, and complications following oral surgery. By quitting, you'll enhance your dental hygiene. 

3. Embrace a Healthy Diet

Certain foods can increase your risk of developing cavities. Sugary desserts, sticky candy, sodas, and acidic foods will lead to an increase in mouth bacteria that can develop into a sticky film or plaque along the gum line. To minimize these risks, curb your consumption of sugar and embrace a healthy diet that includes whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. 

4. Teeth Cleanings From Your Dental Hygienist 

Every six months, schedule an appointment with your dentist for a routine teeth cleaning. This will ensure your mouth is healthy and free of tooth decay and gum disease. For added protection during the pandemic, talk to your dentist about their cleanliness and distancing protocols. Wear a mask in public areas and consider taking a COVID-19 at-home test before your appointment. Should you wake up with symptoms on the day of your appointment, reschedule for the protection of your community. 


If you're looking for a dedicated dentist that provides high-quality care at affordable prices, Northwest Community Health Center is on your side. Located in the heart of Libby, MT, residents throughout Lincoln County with and without health insurance can depend on this clinic for hands-on patient care. To schedule an appointment, call today at (406) 283-6900. For more information on their dental services, visit them online
