No matter the season, pho is a refreshing way to fuel your body. This Vietnamese soup—traditionally served as breakfast—is the perfect way to jump-start your immune system and support other essential functions. It combines the health benefits of bone or vegetable broth with a hearty serving of beef or chicken and vegetables to become the ideal meal for staving off sickness.
The Hidden Health Benefits of Pho
Bone Broth
Pho is a bone broth made with either beef or chicken. Bone broth has long been considered a “magic drink” that has been credited with increasing gut health, improving sleep, and warding off fatigue with its glycine, increasing bone strength, and improving skin’s appearance because it is a rich source of collagen.
Excellent Source of Protein
One serving of pho can contain nearly 30 grams of protein, satisfying nearly half of daily dietary requirements for most people. Protein is an essential component of every cell in the body and is a building block of bones, muscles, blood, cartilage, and skin.
Powerhouse Ingredients
Hot, spicy broth-based soups like pho have been heralded as miracle cures to help bring relief to sick people. Each ingredient provides health benefits: mushrooms are full of antioxidants, ginger soothes stomachs and fights inflammation, lime gives a dose of vitamin C, fresh herbs like cilantro and basil provide vitamin A, and other healthy vegetables give the dish a low-calorie heartiness.
Easy Customization
Pho can also be tailored to suit many dietary needs. Vegetarians and vegans can forgo the meat and bone broth for soups made with vegetable stock, while those who follow a gluten-free diet can skip the rice noodles and fill their bowl with more fresh veggies and herbs. This is also ideal for diners with food allergies as you have control over what goes into your bowl.
Dig into a healthy bowl of pho at Lua Pho & Grill in Norcross, GA. This quick-service Vietnamese restaurant serves up delicious, authentic cuisine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Whether you want fresh seafood dishes or a healthy restaurant for takeout, you will love their authentic Vietnamese food. View their menu online or learn more by calling (770) 923-2695.