
Managing a construction site is a rewarding and challenging experience. In addition to the challenges of the task itself, there are physical implications for working around significant noise levels. According to the CDC, noise over 120 decibels can be harmful to your ears, but a much lower decibel limit over a sustained amount of time can be just as damaging. Construction sites can be quite loud, so take a look at the tips below to protect your workers. 

3 Ways to Combat Construction Noise

1. Use Protection

Combating damage to your hearing from construction noise is no different than the preventative steps you should take when attending loud concerts or airshows. Mainly, anyone operating or working near loud machinery should use ear plugs or ear muffs to reduce the likelihood of impairment. You'll want to invest in a professional-grade pair that is appropriate for the level of noise. Ear muffs are preferable since they go over the ear and won't fall out like ear plugs. 

2. Limit Exposure


Hearing protection is the best option when excessive noise cannot be avoided. However, prevention is even better, so try and manage work in a way that minimizes exposure. For example, consider staggering tasks with excessive sound or removing unnecessary personnel from a hazardous area. Your staff should also be trained on hearing hazards so that they can make positive decisions and take initiative to protect themselves.

3. Consider New Equipment

With each passing decade, new equipment is developed to be quieter than previous models. Take a look at your noisiest pieces of equipment and check if there are better, less noisy models that may be worth investing in, especially when upgrading. You can also have your work environment evaluated to measure whether the levels are dangerous to help gauge the level of response you should take.


If you need truss installation or construction materials, contact H & H Truss & Supply  in Clarksville, AR. They have over three decades of experience providing high-quality construction services with a knowledgeable team. Call (479) 754-4999 or visit the website for more information about their services.
