
A two-car garage offers ample space for more than one vehicle and, often, room for storage, lawn care equipment, workbenches, or any other necessities. However, many people with a two-car garage often face the same question: Which is more appropriate— a single large garage door or a set of two smaller ones? To help you decide, here’s an overview of the pros and cons of each.

Double Garage Doors

Each door runs on its own track and system, so if something happens to one, there is a high chance the other is still functional. You have optimized temperature control with double doors and can close or open one or both to keep the garage cooler or warmer. Since only one smaller door has to open to accommodate a vehicle, you also have more privacy, which is especially useful if you store valuable belongings on the other side. However, double doors require twice the maintenance and upkeep, and installation costs may be a bit higher than single-door options.

A Single Garage Door

garage doorsA single door covers a greater area and doesn’t involve a stationary divider in the center, which makes the garage more accessible for vehicles. Single doors only require one opener to operate the entire unit. Though installation costs for single and double doors are similar, a single door usually falls on the lower end of the pricing scale since it only requires one installation.

As far as drawbacks go, single large doors are much heavier than two individual doors, which can result in greater wear and tear on the system. There are also accessibility concerns; for instance, if the door breaks down or is damaged, there is no way for vehicles to get in and out until a technician completes repairs.


When you need new garage doors, trust the professionals at Garage Door Service: Paul Holscher, Mike Panaro. For over four decades, they have been providing the Cincinnati, OH, area with residential and commercial garage door installation, repairs, and parts. Whether you need garage doors for a new home construction or are looking to upgrade existing ones to newer models, they have the selection you need. Call (513) 347-3000 or visit them online to request an estimate.
