
Visiting an oral surgeon for wisdom teeth removal is one of the most common dental procedures in the United States, with an estimated 5 million people scheduling this extraction each year. While it is a relatively simple procedure, understanding how to take care of your mouth can prevent issues and reduce discomfort. Here are several strategies to follow when you get home. 

What Should You Do After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

1. Rest Regularly

The body needs time to heal from the surgery and stitches. Too much exertion can open the wounds and cause bleeding. After the procedure, sit in a propped up position for the rest of the day. Make sure your head stays your heart to keep the pulse low, as this will limit bleeding. The following day, you can likely resume light activities, such as going to school or working at a computer. Avoid exercise and serious exertion for about a week to give the wound enough time to heal.

wisdom teeth removal

2. Apply Ice

Icing your face reduces swelling and pain. Start icing your cheeks and jaw as soon as you get home, for 20 minutes at a time. Then, remove the ice for another 20 minutes, and repeat this process throughout the day. Continue applying ice as much as possible for the first 36 to 48 hours after wisdom teeth removal.

3. Avoid Solid Foods

Solid foods can stick to the stitches and tear them, as can the movement of chewing. Stick to liquids the first day, such as broths and blended soups. Over the next few days, slowly work up to soft foods that don't require chewing, such as mashed potatoes, ice cream, and apple sauce.

Also, avoid drinking through a straw and smoking, as the pressure created from sucking can tear the stitches. These activities can also damage the clot that forms in the wound, leading to a condition known as dry sockets, which causes pain and bleeding. Wait at least 72 hours following the procedure before smoking, vaping, or using a straw.

4. Rinse With Salt Water

If your oral surgeon recommends a specialized rinse, use this as prescribed. If they don't, use a mixture of salt and warm water, and rinse your mouth after eating and throughout the day for the first 72 hours. Swish the solution around gently, as too much suction can open the wound. This helps eliminate bacteria, clean the surgical site, and limit swelling, helping you recover faster.


If you're due for wisdom teeth removal, contact Alliance Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery in Keller, TX. These highly trained and experienced oral surgeons have conducted many extractions, and will tell you exactly what to expect during your initial consultation. Visit the website for more information about their services, and call (817) 741-2200 to schedule an appointment.
