
The wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that come through, typically in early adulthood. It’s not unusual for the dentist to suggest wisdom teeth extraction to prevent future problems from arising. If you’re curious about this procedure, keep reading to understand why it’s recommended and what is involved.

A Guide to Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Why is extraction recommended?

While they don’t have to be pulled, it is usually recommended since they can cause complications. It’s most important if they become impacted or crowd out the other teeth. However, they can also be difficult to care for since they’re so far back, so they are prone to cavities and gum disease. The damage from those conditions could then spread to the other teeth. Cysts and tumors can also arise from the issue of impacted wisdom teeth.

At what age can they be removed?

wisdom teeth extraction

Technically, they could be extracted at any age once they come in, typically between the ages of 18 and 25. However, it’s best to have them removed sooner after they emerge rather than later so they are easier to extract. They also have less of a chance of causing any issues before they are pulled if they’re extracted earlier.

What does the procedure involve?

Every wisdom teeth extraction is different depending on the needs of the individual. However, a local anesthetic is usually used, and sedation is recommended. If it's a complex operation, you may need general anesthesia.

Because of this, there is very little to no pain as the dentist or oral surgeon makes an incision and removes the tooth. If necessary, they may have to remove bone that blocks the tooth root. Afterward, the site may or may not be sealed with dissolving stitches. 

How long does recovery take?

The healing process can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. However, the length of time it takes to recover will depend on the person as well as their post-surgical oral care. It’s important not to perform oral hygiene tasks for the first 24 hours following the procedure. Adhere to the dentist’s instructions to ensure a quick and healthy recovery period and avoid dry socket.


If you need a wisdom teeth extraction, turn to Alliance Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery in North Fort Worth and Tarrant County, TX. They understand that oral surgery can make people nervous and aim to provide a comfortable and peaceful environment for your procedure. The doctors take time to answer questions and ensure that you feel safe and at ease. In fact, their doctors also work in the local emergency rooms and are experts at helping patients who are extremely stressed. Visit them online to learn more about their services, and call (817) 741-2200 to schedule an appointment.
