3 Common Myths About Tooth Extractions
Many people feel apprehensive about seeing their dentist, especially when they are about to have a procedure done. Unfortunately, dental anxiety is often fueled by inaccurate myths. While a tooth extraction may seem daunting, this common procedure is nothing to fret over. To ease any lingering nerves, use this guide of debunked myths to help you feel more comfortable at your appointment.
What Are Some Myths About Tooth Extractions?
1. They Are Painful
During this common and minimally invasive procedure, an oral surgeon will give you numbing medication to help you feel as comfortable as possible. While you will likely feel pressure and some tension, you should feel no pain at all. However, if you have a history of ineffectiveness with numbing medication in the past, let your dentist know so they can use a more effective alternative.
2. Tooth Extraction Is Inevitable
A tooth extraction is usually a last resort for dentists. They will exhaust every other restorative treatment before they recommend this procedure. Tooth damage and decay can be resolved in several ways, including a root canal. Tooth extraction will only be performed if it's the best way to renew the tooth's function and appearance.
3. Recovery Takes Months
A tooth extraction typically affects a patient for three or four days. While the socket where the tooth was extracted will take a few weeks to heal completely, most patients return to regular activities after just a few days.
As long as you follow your oral surgeon's post-operative instructions, by staying away from strenuous activities and foods or drinks that may dislodge the blood clot forming over the extraction site, you should be able to resume everyday activities fairly quickly.
If you're a nervous patient, a dentist that understands your concerns and is dedicated to making you as comfortable as possible is invaluable. At Alliance Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery in Keller, TX, their priority is to ensure your visit is stress and pain-free every time you come in. Dr. Parmer and Dr. Macholl are highly trained and licensed oral surgeons who pride themselves on providing highly effective dental solutions and extreme accuracy. Learn more about their procedures by visiting the website. To schedule an appointment, call (817) 741-2200.