
A personal injury can impact many aspects of a person’s life. To that end, the courts award injured parties numerous types of damages to help them financially recover from their losses. For a better idea of how an attorney will fight to get the compensation you deserve, below is a guide to types of damages to seek when filing a claim. 

3 Types of Damages to Ask for in Personal injury Claims

1. Medical Care

Medical damages awarded in a personal injury case will cover more than emergency treatment. You can request funds that pay for ongoing care related to the injury, including surgeries, physical therapy, and other services you’ll need to recover. To strengthen your claim, seek medical treatment immediately and follow your physicians’ treatment plans so the jury will have a better idea of how much treatment you’ll need to heal and the value of that treatment.

2. Emotional Distress

personal-injuryA slip and fall, auto collision, or other incident can affect your mental health as well. You might need continuing therapy and medication to cope with anxiety, post-traumatic stress syndrome, depression, insomnia, and other emotions and behaviors triggered by the personal injury. A sudden event that you are not expecting can be very traumatic.

To maintain or improve your emotional well-being, you are also entitled to damages for emotional distress. The money can fund your ongoing treatment. Submitting therapist’s notes from sessions can help your personal injury attorney explain how much this incident affected your well-being and make sure you are compensated properly.

3. Loss of Income

Getting injured can impact your ability to go to work, so you can’t earn a wage to support yourself and your family. The jury takes this into account when awarding damages. You’ll not only get compensation for money lost but also receive funds based on the future earnings you may have had to sacrifice based on your injuries. Loss of earning capacity is what it is called when you are no longer able to earn what you were earning prior to being injured.


To be compensated after sustaining a personal injury, contact the Law Offices of Alan M. Laskin in Elk Grove, Sacramento, or Monterey. Serving California clients since 1990, the attorneys will work tirelessly to get you the damages to improve your quality of life. Learn more about the types of injury cases the team handles online. To schedule a free consultation, call (916) 329-9010.
