
Cold temperatures can impair the functioning of an industrial rotary screw compressor as a result of freezing condensate in the unit's compressed air system. This can lead to clogs and damage various air compressor components, slowing or stopping the performance of the unit in the process. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize the risk frigid temperatures pose and keep your system working dependably; here are three tips for successfully using your equipment in cold weather.

How to Use an Industrial Air Compressor in Cold Weather

1. Heat the Workspace

Air compressors work best in temperatures above 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Although your workspace doesn't need to be as warm as other parts of your building, temperatures should be maintained at no lower than 41 degrees. The easiest solution is to utilize a space heating device in the compressor room; additional insulation in the room can also be helpful for heat retention. You can consult with an HVAC professional to determine the best space heater and ensure that it won't pose a fire risk to your business.

2. Maintain Oil Levels

air compressor

Most rotary screw compressors use synthetic oil to keep internal components lubricated, prevent friction and wear and tear, and keep the unit running at its best. In cold weather, your compressor must work harder to maintain performance, which means it will consume more oil. You can avoid problems by checking the oil levels each day and adding more as needed for the unit to operate in cold conditions.

3. Drain the Condensate Regularly

Condensation buildup at cold temperatures puts your unit more at risk of freezing. You can prevent the condensate from freezing in cold temperatures by draining it daily. This also minimizes moisture buildup from the increased humidity levels generated by nearby heating equipment. For best results, be sure to drain the condensate even when the compressor is not in use.


Maintain your industrial air compressor this winter and year-round with help from Industrial Compressor Supplies. Since 2007, this Maryland Heights, MO-based provider has served customers worldwide. They feature a comprehensive selection of air compressor supplies, including lubricants, filters, drain valves, and gauges. Visit the website to explore their products in more detail, or call (877) 426-3131 to place an order.
