Law Firm
Anggelis & Gordon, PLLC
231 Lexington Ave, Lexington, KY 40508

About Anggelis & Gordon, PLLC

When you need help now!

When you need legal help in Lexington, KY, call Anggelis & Gordon, PLLC for compassionate attorneys ready to defend your interests in everything from family law to criminal defense cases. With over 95 years of combined experience, these highly respected legal professionals have the skills and ability to ensure the best possible outcome for your case, providing every client with dedicated representation and the respect they deserve.

Whether you’re in need of a knowledgeable, sympathetic divorce attorney or an accomplished civil rights lawyer, Anggelis & Gordon, PLLC combines compassion with expertise to help you through these difficult times. During such emotionally draining experiences, many people find it difficult to identify all their options and make decisions, let alone ensuring that their legal rights are protected. Help from a skilled attorney can make all the difference.

Being charged with a criminal offense is also confusing and frightening, especially if you try to navigate the legal process on your own. If you or a loved one has been accused of a crime, the criminal lawyers at Anggelis & Gordon, PLLC have the skills and experience to make sure that you are treated fairly.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by a difficult legal situation, the dedicated attorneys at Angelis & Gordon, PLLC can help. Visit their website to learn more, or call (859) 255-7761 now to schedule a free consultation.
