
Decorating your landscape is an opportunity to express your personal style while breathing new life into your outdoor space. Your home has the potential to be the envy of the neighborhood when you upgrade your gardens with the right plant design. Luckily, Ohio is home to many beautiful varieties that bring color and texture to your yard. Here are a few options to keep in mind during your plant design.

What Native Ohio Plants Should Be Used for Your Landscape Design?

1. Goldenrod

With 22 different species of goldenrod found throughout Ohio, this stunning yellow plant makes a beautiful choice for bordering your flower beds. Because it blooms in autumn, it’s smart to plant it in the spring, so your yard will be bright and lively toward the end of the year. Capable of growing up to 4 feet tall, this vibrant plant won’t grow too aggressively otherwise. It is also tolerant of both pests and drought, making it a good option for longevity.

2. Black-Eyed Susan


The famed wildflower earns its name for the distinctive black center surrounded by golden petals that fan outward like little flames. In landscaping, they’re valued for their ability to attract everything from beneficial bees to birds and butterflies. Additionally, beginners can easily grow this popular native plant. It blooms all summer long, performs well in nearly all soil types, and handles dry conditions well.

3. Wild Geranium

Pretty colors make the wild geranium an eye-catching addition to a landscape that could benefit from a little pop of personality. The woodland woodflower grows in shades of lilac, deep pink, and rich pink, all of which are known to appeal to both butterflies and birds. Like a showpiece for your garden, this attractive plant blooms every spring and can serve as either an accent for the yard or ground cover for a bare patch of ground.


With some strategic plant design from the team at Arselli’s, you can be confident that your landscaping vision will become a reality. Based in Chillicothe, OH, these professionals handle every step of your garden design, from plant selection to lighting and mulching. They can even install retaining walls to prevent erosion and lend your landscape a stylish new look. Visit the website for more information, or call (740) 775-8177 to speak with a representative. 
