How to Talk to Your Parents About Getting a Hearing Aid
As your parents age, you may be tasked with challenging conversations regarding their health and wellness. This is particularly true when it comes to hearing trouble. If your mother or father is having increased difficulty carrying a conversation or watching television at proper volumes, here’s some insight on how to broach the topic of hearing aids.
Advice on How to Discuss Hearing Aids With Elderly Parents
What’s the Best Way to Approach This Conversation?
Before launching into this challenging discussion, it’s best to focus on your delivery and remember to come from a place of love and affection. With this in mind, find a quiet, comfortable place. It may help to go to a neutral location like a park or community center, so they don’t feel like they are being targeted in their home. Additionally, consider when it is least likely you will be interrupted as the discussion may take some time.
Instead of bombarding them with facts and giving your parents an opportunity to become defensive, speak rationally and calmly about how their hearing loss is affecting the family and their overall quality of life. Do your best to stay positive and discuss ways in which hearing aids can benefit their lives, whether it means more meaningful phone conversations, added ease when socializing, or less energy spent trying to read lips or asking others to speak up.
How Can Family Members Help With the Hearing Aid Process?
Visiting an audiologist for a hearing test and a hearing aid fitting can be an overwhelming experience, especially when navigating the various types of devices and growing accustomed to new volume levels. To avoid anxiety, unnecessary stress, and frustration, volunteer to support your mother or father during this appointment. Not only can you put their mind at ease and help them select the right course of action, but you’ll gain knowledge on their current hearing and what you can do to help them adjust.
If you or your parent is having trouble hearing at normal levels, contact Russellville Hearing Clinic. Their team has served the greater Russellville, AR, area for over 15 years. Led by Dr. Charlie Palmer, who has been practicing for over two decades, you can trust this friendly facility to provide state-of-the-art hearing aids and audio protection that’s right for you. To schedule a hearing test with this experienced local audiologist, call their office today at (479) 968-7250. For more information on how they can help you preserve your hearing, visit their website.