
Most people tend to carry more fat in certain parts of the body than others. Unfortunately, it isn’t possible to spot reduce fat in targeted problem areas. However, losing overall body fat can make a difference. Here's some personal training advice to help you achieve your weight loss goals.


Eat a balanced diet. 

Diet plays a significant role in fat loss and muscle development. Eating a nutritious diet consisting primarily of whole, natural foods like fruits and vegetables, nuts and beans, and whole grains can effectively reduce overall body fat. While it may seem counterintuitive, be sure to eat healthy fats, including polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats found in eggs, nuts and seeds, vegetable oil, avocado, and fish. 

Focus on building muscle. 

personal training

While you can't spot reduce fat, you can target specific areas for muscle toning and development. Gaining muscle has two primary benefits. For one, muscle burns more calories than fat, meaning building muscle mass can increase your metabolism and help you utilize energy from food more efficiently. Also, gaining muscle can improve your overall appearance and make certain areas appear more defined. 


Go on a crash diet. 

Most weight loss programs that promise a quick fix are not sustainable. Even if you lose the weight initially, you’re likely to gain it back. Furthermore, repeated yo-yo dieting can damage your metabolism and may increase your risk of cardiovascular issues

Avoid these pitfalls by looking at your weight loss journey as a long-term lifestyle change. By adopting and maintaining a healthy, sustainable personal training routine, you’re more likely to lose and keep off those unwanted pounds. 

Punish yourself for getting off-track. 

There may be times you don't keep up with your personal training regimen. Instead of being too hard on yourself, just get back to the positive diet and exercise routines as soon as possible. 

Many people fail to achieve their weight loss goals because they get discouraged when they’re not making progress as quickly as they’d like. If you’re feeling disheartened, talk to a trainer or friend who can help you regain your footing. 


If you’re interested in personal training for fat loss, turn to Life & Elite Fitness. This gym offers one-on-one personal training and group training to help people in Snohomish County, WA, reach their health and wellness goals. They even provide online sessions and remote consultations. Call (206) 450-0964 if you have questions about their fitness programs, or visit their website to learn more about the gym.
