
Eye care is about what you eat in addition to wearing sunglasses and scheduling routine eye exams. There are a wide variety of foods that contribute to optimal eye health, including many options you’ll find in the produce section of your grocery store. Below are some top picks to help you make your next shopping list. 

What Foods Help Improve Eye Health?

1. Nuts & Seeds

Seeds and nuts feature omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E that can help protect your eyes from age-related macular degeneration and cataracts, two common eye diseases that eventually cause blindness. There’s evidence that individuals who consume high amounts of vitamin E decrease their risk of macular degeneration by 20%.

And since vitamin E and fatty acids are antioxidants, they combat free radicals that destroy healthy eye tissue. Consider adding almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and hazelnuts to your diet to consume more vitamin E and fatty acids.  

2. Carrots

The orange vegetable has long been celebrated for its eye care benefits, as carrots contain high amounts of beta carotene and vitamin A. Both nutrients guard against eye infections and diseases, with vitamin A improving vision health as well. The vitamin is part of rhodopsin, a type of eye protein that contributes to efficient light absorption by the retinas. 

It also helps your eyes create rod and cone cells that allow you to see different colors and maintain decent vision in low lighting. 

3. Fish

Fatty fish such as trout, salmon, tuna, sardines, anchovies, and mackerels provide fatty acid sources for optimal eye health. The oil in these fish also helps protect you from dry eyes, which is particularly beneficial if you work in front of a computer on a daily basis. Dry eyes cause redness and irritation and increase the risk of inflammation that damages the surface of your eyes. 

4. Kale

The leafy superfood contains lutein and zeaxanthin, two nutrients the body does not produce but needs for optimal eye health. Lutein and zeaxanthin guard against cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. 

Kale and other leafy greens, such as collards and spinach, also provide vitamin C sources that improve eye blood vessel health and reduce your cataract risk. Spinach is high in lutein as well. 

Discuss an eye-friendly diet during your exam at Lieblong Eye Clinic, the vision center serving the River Valley area of Arkansas since 1979. Dr. Jim Lieblong provides a full suite of affordable eye care services in addition to a wide range of glasses and contacts. Call (479) 968-2020 today to make an appointment or visit the website for eye care service information.
